So, we have all taken a bit of a hit after Christmas. Wallets are left feeling a little lighter than we would like, but I'm sure one phrase has been uttered by many a soul this January...
"This year is going to be my year"
By the very fact that you are reading this I would say it is safe to assume that you are into the whole DJ/music production thing and so would like to try and get into that or take it to the next level.
The first port of call I think would be to look into getting the right tools for the job.
œBeing a DJ and a music producer would be nice.
Now¦ Going back to my earlier point, money is a little tight for most right now but if you had to choose between getting that awesome DJ controller or that MIDI keyboard and those monitors you have had your eye on, which would it be?
œYou can™t have it all¦.. Or can you?
We don™t think its right that you should have to choose and so as a result have come up with a deal that can only be described as insane!
(You might want to read this next part twice as you might not believe it the first time around.)
If you buy a Numark 4Trak 4-channel Traktor Controller from us at the new lower price of £699 (Was £799) we will GIVE you ALL of the following COMPLETELY FREE:
A pair of M-Audio BX8 D2 active monitor speakers worth £249!
An M-Audio Axiom 25 USB MIDI controller keyboard worth £129!
A copy of the Sonnivox Wobble VST/AU software instrument worth £79!
So how about that for a deal?!?
Not only can you now be mixing other peoples beats but you can be making your own too. That is one top of the range USB DJ Controller and the basis for an awesome home studio set-up worth £457 thrown in for FREE!
Another great deal to take advantage of if you are looking for a DAW platform to base your life-changing equipment set-up around, then check out the awesome end of line Ableton Live 8 deals we are running that don™t just include a 25% discount on the previous price but now also include a FREE upgrade to Live 9 when it is released in the coming months.
You might be reading this thinking that™s an awful lot of free stuff that we seem to be giving away. You would be right. But it™s only because we care about you lot and want to ˜Make this your year.™